New Life Care Home promotes a healthy lifestyle even for elderly and disabled people.
A simple guide for health is NEWSTART, an interesting acronym:
N utrition: Proper nutrition is the foundation of good health and recovery
E xercise: Action is the law of life. Muscle tone and strength are lost without it
W ater: The body is 70% water. Keeping the body well hydrated is essential to health
S unlight: The sun is the established energy source ordained by God to sustain life
T emperance: Using things moderately and avoiding the bad is obviously wise
A ir: The body’s most essential resource is air.
R est: Restoration requires rest because sleep allows the body to renew itself
T rust in Divine Power: Direct linked to physical health (Proverbs 3:5-6), trust in God is a gift leading to good choices
For more info, check the site that explains these vital principles in detail: